Friday, April 3, 2009

Putting a face to a name

Meet "Stratus". Stratus was a character I made when I was in Modeling I at ITT Tampa, for my final project. The project was actually to just .. model something (most people were modeling anything from a city block to a chessboard and pieces). I decided to do a little more than that since I was already familiar with 3ds max, and Stratus was born.

He hasn't been used in any of my projects since his original conception, and I think it may just be time to put him to good use. I think with some revision, he would be a perfect candidate for the lead character in E.code Symphon.exe. He's already got a sort of avatar-looking way about him, and I want to utilize some form of visual humor, and having someone commiting such a trivial deed dressed up as an anime character would surely accomplish that.

I think he'll look good with a pair of Heads Up Display glasses/shades and I'm more than likely going to change the design of his clothes. Other than that, the character is rarely going to be seen, except for during cutscenes; so the actual design isn't THAT important, but it's nice to have some personality to the disembodied hands that you are controlling.

Any suggestions? Comments are welcome!
- Bryan

1 comment:

  1. When I saw the picture, I just got a really great sense of where you are going with design. I love it.
